Monthly Archives: April 2023

Equivalence relationships are everywhere, both in mathematics and in our day-to-day life: when we write “eggs” on our shopping list, we understand that it means any brand of eggs, in other words we will consider equivalent any two boxes of eggs, no matter their brand.

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To John, enticements never can exert a pull. Probably the product of a disciplined upbringing. When John wants to buy something, he knows exactly what he’s looking for. He gets in and he gets out. No dilly-dallying, no pointless scrolling. Few of us are like John; the rest secretly aspire to be. Go on. Admit it! The science of enticing customers is sustained by this weakness.

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Mathematics is a subject that many may be afraid of. Probability can be a challenging topic for many, even those with a strong background in mathematics.Even at the undergraduate level, many learners struggle with concepts like conditional probability.Conditional probability is a measure of the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. The authors have attempted to make the process of learning the concepts of conditional probability with the help of games, like the very famous Monty Hall problem.

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For centuries, the test of hypotheses has been one of the fundamental inferential concepts in statistics to guide the scientific community and to confirm one’s belief. The p-value has been a famous and universal metric to reject (or not to reject) a null hypothesis H0, which essentially denotes a common belief even without the experimental data.

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